What Does OK Means?
Full Form OK is Oll Korrect : OK (okay) is a colloquial English word denoting approval, acceptance, assent, or acknowledgment.
OK is most likely short for “Oll Korrect” or “Ole Kurreck” or “Orl Korrekt”, a jokey misspelling of “All Correct” that needs a little historical context to make sense. In the late 1830s, a slang fad inspired young, educated folks in New York and make tongue-in-cheek acronyms for deliberate misspellings of common phrases. This led to arcane abbreviations like KY for “no use” (know yuse) and NC for “enough said” (nuff ced).
According to American etymologist and lexicographer Allen Walker Read, OK did not stem from the Choctaw word okeh or oke. Nor did it come from olla kalla, Greek for “all good.”